The Utah State Legislature passed a law in 2000 requiring every public school in the state to establish a School Community Council at the school-site level (Utah Code. Section 53A-1a-108). Each Scool Community Council consists of the principal, school empoyees, and parents or guardians of students attending the school. The School Community Council determines their school's greatest academic need and prepares a plan to address that need with the school's portion of the money distributed from the School LAND Trust program.
For more information on School Community Councils, please visit and use this website as an invaluable resource for your School Community Council. It includes information about elections and the responsibilities of council members along with timelines, checklists and other training materials.
A bill passed in the 2015 legislative session giving School Community Councils the responsibility to partner with school administration in creating a safe and constructive internet environment for students. If your council is looking for training options to meet the new Safe Technology and Digital Citizenship requirements, there are resources available at no charge. Please see the document below for a list of these resources.
Even though this video is for the Granite School District, it gives a good idea of what Community Coucils do. Not everything applies to our school, however.
Pennie Stewart - Chair
Luci Robinson - Vice-Chair
Anya Leroy
Amanda Leonard
Christella Lake
Kolleen Christiansen
Mike Grange
Jarett Gilbert, Principal / Director
Kirk Robinson, Teacher
Lucile Robinson, School Counselor / Vice-chair